
日本賑災快報‎(八)‎:Relief news from Japan‎(8)


今日我們總算可以進入三間在Shichigahama鎮的收容中 心,我們花了許多時間訪視這邊的災民, 他們的家園大都受到海嘯的侵襲而破損不堪。在收容中心的小朋友, 對我們這些穿橘紅色衣服的志工們,都感到非常好奇。與這些小朋友 的互動,讓我們能迅速地融入收容中心的大家庭裡, 災民也能較自在地與我們分享他們的傷悲與未來想法。 大部份的日本人都被訓練到充滿耐心與注重團體和諧, 他們的態度與智慧,讓我們對人性有更深一層的認識。


目前大部份收容中心的收容人數,從海嘯發生後的1000位, 下降至約100位左右。曾有一位老人告訴我們, 他曾經歷三次的海嘯,但從來沒有一個像此次般的嚴重, 光他居住的城鎮,約25%以上都被毀了。



目前災民都有充份的時間、食物、與毛毯。表面看來, 他們目前的生活狀況還算不錯,但這只是表象, 因為他們的家園不是全毀就是殘破不堪,造成大多數都是無家可歸。

幸運的是,人們知道待在家裡的二樓是不安全的, 而他們在海嘯來臨前有約10分鐘的逃命時間。

有一位兄弟告訴我們,海嘯發生前有位仁兄聽到廣播通知, 得悉海嘯將有六公尺高後,立刻鼓起了勇氣, 積極去找尋所有可能安全的地方,並帶領群眾逃生, 因為他的勇氣與領導,總共有65人存活下來。

隊員目前的工作,尚包含教導一些母親及老人伸展的活動, 以幫助他們未來能有足夠的力量來整理家園。有一位媽媽名叫Oli ve,她有兩位非常可愛的小孩。她非常高興我們的到訪與服務, 只要我們去時,她都會主動協助我們進行翻譯的工作。 而我們也與小朋友相處的非常愉快,我們一同遊玩、唱歌。 這些活動能舒發他們內心的情感,所以, 他們都非常期待我們的到來。



有時侯,當我們過於專注在服務眾生時, 常會忽略一些外在世俗的事物, 尤其是我們每日從青年旅舍至收容中心,必須要開車約20公里, 沿路皆沒有加油站。油料的取得,成為一個重要的問題。為此, 某收容中心的主管提供了一個小房間給我們, 以便我們可以就近服務。而我們將會如災民般的生活, 因為那裡沒有水。但我們的出現與精神就像是一個人道就援的7- 11:永遠不打烊!




AMURT & AMURTEL Japan Relief Work Report for 24 March 2011


Today we finally started working in three refugee centers located within the town area of Shichigahama, and spend several hours in meeting the people whose homes were destroyed by the tsunami, and of course their children who as soon as we arrived came right away towards us, exploring these intriguing orange people.


They helped breaking the ice and soon enough the community accepted us and started sharing freely their mix of emotions ranging from worries to aspirations.


Japanese are amazing people, culturally trained to the virtue of patience and collective harmony, and their composure and wisdom gave us a taste of their mature humanity.


In most refugee centers the average number of people is now perhaps only 100 down from 1000 as it was right after the tsunami. This is a community prepared to the tsunamis, imagine that one pensioner told me he had experienced three of them in his life but even he couldn’t imagine one of such power, capable of sweep away in few minutes the 25% of the his town.

The survivors have plenty of time in their hands and now are well fed and have sufficient blankets to keep warm. One could say that given the circumstances they are fine, but that is just the surface because there is nothing more unsettling that no having a home to return to or even to repair since in most cases nothing was left standing. 

Fortunately people knew that it wasn’t safe to take shelter on the second floor of their homes and they had been informed ten minutes in advance of the tsunami arrival.

A man was telling us how one of the resident listening to the radio that the tsunami was six meters high, had the presence of mind and courage to visit all the areas considered safe because three meters above sea level and forced all those who had taken shelter there to move to higher grounds. He saved 65 lives; indeed a hero who will be remembered by the community for years to come.

Our team conducted some stretching exercises mostly for the mothers and the elderly because all the able bodies were out helping in the cleaning effort.


One of such mother of two beautiful children was Olive, who was so happy of the time we spent together that she offered to interpret in our activities there.


Indeed we had a very good time with the kids, playing games, singing songs and everyone there told us that they are looking forward to see us again, because after expressing their hearts and minds, they felt better.


As always it happens when working sincerely for everyone’s welfare, we unexpectedly solved the logistic problem of having to travel more than 20 km. from the youth hostel that has become our base, to reach the refugee centers, which with no gasoline available almost anywhere, it was becoming a pressing issue. The manager of one of the refugee centers felt the need to keep our team closer to the refugee centers and offered a small room there.


We will be living like refugees ourselves since there is still no running water in the whole area, but our presence and spirit will become like a humanitarian 7 Eleven: always available to the people. J













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