




在麵包部, Rainjana正在製作售到全台各地,健康美味的天然發酵麵包 。今天,她並不是自己一個人,還有六位小朋友一起參與,手工製作他們的麵包。


 Rainjana baker lowres    Sunshine Kids baking




美濃課後安親-新晴計畫,更多相關的訊息請上:  。若您因這些故事深受鼓勵而願意盡一己之力,一個月兩千元的協助,能夠提供一位孩子在這個安親計畫就讀,並讓他的臉上因此綻放笑容!!


當麵包放進烤箱,小朋友們走進靜坐大廳,在那裡, Prema 正在協助Prashanti 上瑜伽課,來自美濃的憨兒窯,十五位身心障礙的年輕朋友,一個月兩次到示範村學習體位法,高士基舞,靈性頌舞和靜坐。這些年輕朋友的加入,學習Kiirtan和靜坐,讓我們變成一個大家庭!

Sunshine girls meditation          yoga service mentally challenged




而為了使這個大家庭更完整,一隻可愛的小狗也在下午時刻到我們的身邊。牠又餓又渴,需要即時的愛的滋潤。我們無法抵抗牠大大的棕色眼睛,同時,我們也發現牠有皮膚病,因此在餵飽牠之後,便馬上帶祂去看獸醫。現在,小狗  Bobo在屋外的新紙箱中睡著了!

playful Bobo






Didi Ananda Rashmika



As I walked around our Meinong Master Unit this afternoon, I was struck by how many things were going on at the same time, all under the motto of "Self-Realisation & Service to all" so I wanted to share with you some of this joyful feeling and happiness!!
In the office, three sisters were studying as part of their LFT training. With more spiritual practice, studying the philosophy and following a more rigorous lifestyle, they are making themselves stronger to serve society with move love, more dedication and more joy!
In the bakery Rainjana was making the healthy and delicious bread that is sold to different places in Taiwan. 
Today she was not alone though. There were 6 children joining her, making their own breads. 
Four of these children have been coming to our afterschool program, the Sunshine Project, for several months. These children are from single-parent families, live with their grandparents or are from mixed marriages. We offer these children to join for free so they also have the opportunity to learn, play and grow in this wonderful environment, despite their financial situation at home.
Attached is a DM of the Sunshine Project, for more information (sorry, only in Chinese...let me know if you would like to find out more and I can provide). If you are inspired to help, please know that for 2000 NT per month you offer a child to be able to join the program and bring smiles to their faces!!
Once their bread was in the oven, the young kids made their way to the meditation hall, where Prashanti, with the help of Prema, was teaching yoga to mentally challenged young people from Meinong. Fifteen youngsters come twice a month for an afternoon of asanas, kaoshikii, kiirtan and meditation. The young kids joined for kiirtan and meditation, making us one big happy family!
Just as the young people departed with their group leaders, some sisters from Taipei arrived. They come to stay in Meinong for a few days to enjoy the peaceful environment so conducive for meditation, and the good company. As soon as they arrived they helped out with cleaning up after the activity, as simply in this flow the feeling to help out comes naturally.
And to complete our family, a cute little puppy came to us this afternoon, hungry and thirsty and in need of some love. With big brown eyes, we could not resist! He has some skin problems, so after feeding him we took him to the vet and now Bobo is sleeping outside in his new box!
I hope the photos share what I cannot capture in words. The immense gratitude to be part of this flow, of this family, and to dedicate my life to share this with more and more people. I hope you can feel it too!
much love, 
Didi Ananda Rashmika

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