日本地震發生後,目前已確認的死亡人數高達5600多位, 失蹤人數多達9500多位,而預估有38萬人待在收容所內, 其中許多都還是睡在學校體育館的地板上。

仙台市政府已同意阿南達瑪迦泛宇救難隊的進駐並表達歡迎之意, 當地政府亦極度肯定我們過去在海地及印尼的救災經驗。 但他們仍無法提供隊員任何居住、食物、汽油的補給。

泛宇救難隊將於明日中午啟程, 預計在當地時間星期日中午到達仙台。在缺乏食物、 水及汽油的條件下,救援與服務的工作將深具挑戰。 但救難隊隊員將竭儘所能,提供當地災民一切所需!


In Japan the confirmed death toll from the disaster has risen above 5,600. More than 9,500 people are missing and about 380,000 people are currently still in temporary shelters, many sleeping on the floor of school gymnasiums..

The government in the Sendai welcome the offer from AMURT to begin relief work and appreciate the experience that they bring from other disasters in Haiti and Indonesia etc. However they are unable to provide any accommodation, food or fuel for our relief workers.

The AMURT team plan to leave tomorrow afternoon and reach Sendai by Sunday morning, local time. It will be a very challenging environment to work in due to lack of food, water and fuel etc. Our AMURT team in Japan are dedicated and committed to providing whatever services they can to the refugees lacking basic human needs.

--Ananda Marga Social Welfare Foundation


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